Friday, July 16, 2021

Hey, y'all!

 So I have a date! September 8th, I will be joining the proverbial looser's bench. It seems so far away. I know it's probably not, and it'll rush up on me faster than I think. 

I am a bit anxious. I guess anxious to get started. And also worried about how my life will change. I know it's going to ultimately be for the better, especially if I can stick to everything and make the lifestyle changes that need to be made. 

One thing I worry about is the things that will need to happen in perpetuity like vitamins. I'm not worried about remembering to take them, or afford them. They're fairly reasonably priced. I worry about if something happens to my budget, like one of our losing our job, and having money for them then, and for the healthy foods I will need to eat. I have been jobless before, and the diet suffered a lot. I was buying the cheapest things I could possibly buy to help us get by, because neither of us were working at the time. 

I also like to catastrophize. I think of the worst-case scenario, and then dig a hole from there. I go so far as to worry past what if both of us lose our jobs again to what if I'm homeless? It's like... guessilljustdie.gif (man I wish Blogger had a gif library for moments like these). I know that's unlikely to happen, but I like to borrow angst. 

On a separate note of worrying about things, I also am wondering how I go about actually scheduling all the tests I need? I mean, do you just call a hospital? I guess I should start with my PCP, maybe. I have paper orders for everything, but I guess they could put in for someone to call me to schedule the appointments? IDEK. 

I have other things to do before the surgery, like buying a blender and measuring cups/spoons and a food scale. I think I have a place I can put them when I'm not using them, I'm just going to have to clean that set of shelves off and find new homes for things. Ugh. I'm so bad at cleaning and organizing. In an ideal world, I would get the place cleaned up before surgery, but more realistically, just clean and reorganize the kitchen. That sounds suspiciously like work, however, so it's a rather unappealing prospect. 

I guess I should tell my mom or something? Put a death plan together, on the very low chance that something happens with surgery, this way people know my wishes. I don't mean that in a morbid way, I think it's just prudent to let people know what you want, and reduces THEIR stress, if something happens. In that way, it's only polite to have a death plan. And if I'm anything, it's polite. 

So, anyway--that's what's happening. Wish me luuuuckkkk. 


  1. Thanks for posting this. Yours is the first blog I've checked out. I just made the decision two weeks ago to have gastric bypass surgery. Since then, I've seen the surgeon, dietician, exercise person, endrocrinologist, and had MANY tests done. I'm on a four-month plan and would like to have my gastric bypass done in December (not sure if this is realistic). Do you have any advice for me?

    1. So sorry I missed this reply until now. I maybe a bad person for advice, I'm really early in this journey myself. I mean, I've done all the pre-op stuff, but I still feel like a baby :) You may want to check out They have forums and I've gotten helpful advice there before.


I'm still alive :)

 It's been a while. The surgery went well, if you can't tell from my previous post which was somewhat painkiller-laden. I got out of...