I haven't NOT had thoughts lately, but I haven't had thinky-thoughts. I've also been "away from the computer" sort of busy? Yesterday the library had a booth at an event and so I was busy with that all day. I have one next weekend too.
Right now I'm waiting for the roast to get done in the Instant Pot. I messed it up earlier, so it's taking twice as long to cook. I'm not the greatest in the kitchen, kids. I worry about after surgery when I'll be doing waaaay more home cooking. I worry about making interesting things that don't require a lot of prep, mostly because I have no spoons most days. Which adds to my stress about cooking, and exacerbates the frustration over having such a small kitchen, and my general lack of cooking ability.
I bought some cook books. Some of them are a little beyond my ability. Well, they're also beyond my grocery shopping capabilities too. I live in a rural area and some things are either hard to get or just plain not available.
I'm also just not very good at grocery shopping. I get overwhelmed easily in stores and just need to get out ASAP. I even find the Instacart type shopping to be A Lot, because you have to scroll through nearly infinite things in order to find what you want and it's just so much. I usually shop at Aldi because it's small. My general way of thinking is that if Aldi doesn't have it, then I don't need it.
We'll see how that works after surgery. I may end up shopping at both Aldi and Walmart just to be sure I get everything I need. It will definitely not be pleasant. It'll also be time consuming. Anymore, I hate going out of the house. The pandemic really just reinforced my natural desire to stay at home and not socialize.
So anyways...this will probably be one of the last roasts I make, unless I can find something that's lean. But is it really a roast if it's lean? I don't know. Like I said--I don't know enough about food.
I guess I'm just tired and worried, right now. I worry about being tired later, and not having the spoons to make healthy things. I probably just need a nap, then I can worry about this more later. TTFN